4 years ago
Admissions Advice

what extracurriculars should i do?

I'll be a freshman in the fall, and I'm considering a career in either computer science or in medicine. However, I know that both of those fields are extremely competitive, and the schools that I'm looking at have a low acceptance rate for both of those majors. I'm studying for my ACT and SAT, and I expect to do well on those, but what I'm really worried about is that I won't have enough extracurriculars and I won't get into my dream schools. For either of those careers, what do you think good extracurriculars that would set me apart are? This summer, I'm learning to write computer programs, and I'm tentatively thinking about designing an app. I and two other people are planning on making an organization in which we sew clothes for homeless women and other people who are unable to get clothing, and we hope to make it both a school club and a project that's bigger than just our school. I know that is not enough, so what are better extracurriculars I can do? Thank you!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

So ECs arent just about your major but more your passions if you have a comp sci passion great! but it is not necessary for admissions. I want to be a STEM major but my most impressive ECs is I competed nationally in debate for 3 years. A great essay would be how debate ties into stem. So in my and most cases, you want 3 things in a ECs in order

Leadership: Be a team officer, take the initiative and own a business or head a non profit, be a shift leader at taco bell, be elected to student board etc.

Commitment: don't join in a EC or start one midway through junior year stick with a EC as that shows you arent doing it to get an admissions boost.

Recognition & Awards: this is the most impressive one but also least needed. For example I am famous for a making an app and I got forbes tech crunch to feature my app I'm a youtube with over 100k subscribers that is recognition but that is not needed. Or it can be I was awarded best team player on a JV team.

Also this applies to less selective schools but I got honor roll I got pillar of community. Try thinking of an activity not needed to be school based such as HOSA a graphic design club volunteer in retirement home develop a app etc.

4 years ago[edited]


2 years ago[edited]

So, if you're looking for a high-quality sewing machine but don't want to spend a fortune, be sure to read this https://lovelystitching.com/best-sewing-machine-under-200/ article and check out some of the top sewing machines under $200 that we've featured. Before making a purchase, I strongly advise considering your needs and degree of experience since doing so will enable you to discover the machine that best suits your demands.

4 years ago

Hi! Im an upcoming junior and part of class of 2022 and what I did these previous school years are for medicine taking Part of HOSA which allows you to learn alot about a specific medical department. And for computer science, you should be part of Hack Club where in my school we got to make apps and sites. Also don't be afraid to start your own clubs and search up teen internships. I looked up opps. in my area and now Im volunteering in my local hospital and starting a club in my next scholastic year besides being president of Model Un and being an officer of my local HOSA Club. Also don't rush it up in my freshman year, don't forget to also enjoy it while it lasts!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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