Does anyone know if there is a spot on here to input industry certifications that we've completed, like Adobe, Microsoft, etc?
Industry certifications if they are applicable to your intended major should be entered in the additional information section of your common or coalition app. For example if you are applying to Architecture Schools, it would be helpful for the admissions team to know you have a certification in AutoCad or REVIT or SketchUp. Why? Because these are tools you will use in your course of study.
I feel it's less important for AOs to know if you are certified in MSWord, MSPowerpoint, or creating a .PDF file. Why? These are very commonplace skills and most high achieving students have been using either the MS Suite or GoogleDocs or Adobe Suite as early as middle school. Some even in elementary school.
If you were in the job market looking to apply for a certain position, then it's important to list your software competency skills on your C.V. These days high achieving HS and college students have very complete LinkedIn profiles where you can add your certifications and additional coursework that you feel relevant to your skillsets. If you haven't complete a LinkedIn profile, I recommend that you do that.
Good luck.
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