2 years ago
Admissions Advice

I want CollegeVine to do something about Cut-Copy-Pasting of essays.

Just a minute ago, I reported an essay of an Indian folk (he/she claimed in the essay).

The issue was, that he copied my Harvard Essay and altered it a little. He did not even change the strong words I used. I did theatre and he changed it to debate. My family had a breakdown, he had too. I did clubs, he did too. I received a medal for my theatre, he received one for debate. I tried to commit suicide, but he did too. As I said, he changed the phrases and altered them to his fitting. I'm enraged. I want this to reach the admins or moderators of Collegevine.

The 1 hour time of the review is more than enough to copy someone's writing. please lessen the time of review. That lowlife made a mockery out of my depressing, vulnerable times, my sexual assault (that I mentioned in my essay), and my achievements. How lowlife can someone be!

Forget about me, who knows how many essays have been like this and students getting rejected by the universities for this. Please see to this and take it to the task.

I demand the review time to be not more than 25 minutes. Please code your pages to prevent such students to take screenshots of pages. There is already a code developed in git that blacks the page while taking one. I hope my message reaches you.

This is not my issue anymore. it's for the sake of the whole community you have here. Please do something. This needs to be looked into.

- yours truly, I remain

Rain (Joseph)

20~25 minutes time, code pages to prevent such deeds
my essays have been copied too
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2 years ago

First of all I am so sorry this happened to you and I am sorry your essay was copied. However, I honestly feel that is a risk you take by submitting the essay to this platform. Having 20-25 minutes is not enough time to give a thoughtful review of an essay in my opinion, and even then someone could just take a photo of the essay/screenshot the essay and copy it from there. There really is no good way sadly.

🎤2 years ago

well, how to put it... I don't have anything against Indians or any specific community. but a sexual assault isn't playing house. and the very fact that it was a character development essay, which I built upon that horrific incident of my life... copying and altering it makes me furious. I don't ask anyone to understand what I've gone through though. I just believe this is worth sharing within the platform, to make changes and (maybe) prevent such a thing.



2 years ago[edited]

So sorry this is what happened to you and all the people who experienced this. I, personally, don´t submit my essays to be reviewed for this exact reason because of how easy it is to snap a photo of it. Considering EVERYONE knows how important essays are in college apps and how many hours it takes to craft one, Iḿ surprised no one has brought this up until now.

I think the 1 hour of review time is enough as someone is still able to take a picture of the essay in 20-25 minutes. @lilye is right as thatś simply not enough time to adequately review someoneś essay. I also agree that youŕe submitting your essay at your own risk. I personally wouldnt trust a random stranger on the internet to review a college essay of mine, especially if it is extremely personal. Also, there is a possibility of potentially being doxxed with such a personal essay.

2 years ago[edited]

The Peer-to-peer tool on CollegeVine is a good idea and it sucks that people take advantage of it. If you can, I would recommend paying for your essay to be reviewed. If you are unable to do so due to financial reasons, there are other free programs for low income students to assist you in the college process like Maltriculate, LEDA, and Crimsons Access Opportunity (which I think the deadline has passed) that also help you with your essays. You can also still ask close friends, family, close teachers, and counselors to review your essay :)


2 years ago

Hey there!

Thank you for reaching out and we're so sorry to hear about this. We certainly understand your concerns and frustration around this and we're actively looking into the matter. Someone from our support team will reach out shortly with some additional info.

🎤2 years ago

please do so... let me know if I can be of any assistance


2 years ago[edited]

It's always BEST to use a CV paid reviewer to give you a professional assessment of your essay. These professionals have been vetted and would NEVER publish or re-distribute your personal IP because they are professionals. Unfortunately, there is no 100% foolproof way to protect and guard your intellectual property when you submit your essay for a free review. Why? Because anyone using a PC, tablet, smart phone located anywhere in the world can simply take a screen shot of your essay and use some scanning app to scan the essay and display it as text in their device. You might think there is a technical way not to permit taking a screen shot but there isn't. And even if there was, you can still use a smartphone to take a picture of the logged in CV device right? I think the only precaution CV can employ is to both issue stern warnings that anyone that copies any portion of someone's essay has a lifetime ban on CollegeVine or that you have to submit your official identification like a Passport/Drivers License/Green Card a be verified as a CV member so that if you violate the rules, you will be traced your information will be given the author whose IP was stolen so they can decide how to prosecute you or contact the colleges you are applying to with that information. I don't think CV wants to be in the business of enforcing electronic crimes that occur on their website. Since CV does offer paid secure and safe ways to get your essay reviewed you should employ those. Perhaps in the future, you can trade 500 karma for a paid review or something like that.

The FREE peer review is definitely useful to 90% of students who are just in the 1st draft stage of their essays and just need some basic feedback because they already know their essay needs some serious work. However if you are in the 10% of high achieving HS students that have already worked a few drafts of your main common app essay, its time to spend the $25-50 and get a set of professional eyes on your work, and see how to tweak it so it's 95-99% perfect. It's worth the money. Personally I have never submitted an essay for review because I've always had friends who are excellent writers like myself. So if you don't want to spend $50, make sure you have some close personal friends that are happy to help out. Good luck.


2 years ago


I am so sorry your essay has been copied. I am sure you poured your heart out in your essay. I bet you did an amazing job. Hugs and kisses.


2 years ago

This coding solution is not viable because you can use a smartphone to take a pic of the screen even if you don't us PrtSc or screen print on your device.


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