I'm currently taking AP Spanish Language and taking 4 advanced classes. However, next year I'm taking 3 APs (AP Spanish Lit, AP Lang, and AP US History) and 2 On-Ramps classes, a course that is set in my high school and at UT Austin (Chemistry and College Algebra). I also plan on competing next year in clubs. I know that they are all rigorous and I just don't wanna set myself up for next year since I know how packed my sophomore year schedule will be.
That is more than enough. I would actually suggest waiting to take AP Lang until junior year because of how packed your schedule is. It's good to have a rigorous coursework, but you shouldn't burn yourself out. If you feel like you can handle it however, you can do it. Just make sure you have a good support network like friends who are taking the same classes with you so you can study together and help each other with homework.
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