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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Summer Programs for Rising Sophomores/Juniors?

Currently, I'm a freshman, and I'm a little lost on what programs to take during the summer. Are there any recommendations for college summer programs for any of the UCs or Ivy Leagues open for rising sophomores/juniors? I'm more interested in engineering/computer science and psychology, but I'm open to trying out new subjects. Also, I'm thinking of taking the SAT as early as I can (hopefully around the start of junior year); are there any courses during the summer that can prep for it (or really just anytime in general)? Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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@domoreno053 years ago

I would definitely try to make my own website/app, create a coding club of some sort during the school year, and maybe explore ways to combine CS and psychology and make a project during the summer. I would also be on the lookout during your junior year about the MIT mites program which is a 6 week summer STEM program on MIT's campus that is highly prestigious.

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2 answers

3 years ago

I'm not sure about summer programmes in terms of what you're looking for, but I know that you can take concurrent classes over the summer. I'm a freshman with an interest in psych, too, and I plan on taking a concurrent history course over the summer to make more room for career-tailored courses during high school.

3 years ago

I can't say too much about summer programs; I would look up engineering schools on google and look at their summer programs.

As for SAT, it's best to try and prepare yourself. However, you shouldn't need a to buy a course or book or anything. Khan Academy has a free SAT course that will tailor itself to your specific needs, noting what you struggle on and giving you practice with those things. Also, has free practice tests you can download and do, which I highly recommend... it gives you a feel for how the test flows.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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