2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I raise my chances of getting into the University of Michigan?

U of M is my dream school, but I'm unsure how to increase my chances of being accepted. I am in a lot of extra curricular activities (Student led programs, band, robotics, coding, NSHSS, etc), and have a decent GPA. The only thing that is taking me back a little bit is the fact I get about 1 B a year, which lowers the GPA. I am only in 10th grade, but if I don't make as many A's as I want to, will this lower my chances? I am also taking early college courses at the local community college (Arkansas Northeastern College). Would U of M admissions be intrigued by my early college, or does it not affect me at all? I also have a personal website that has more about me, which I am coding myself on replit. My ACT score was a 21, so maybe I should try to raise that as well to increase it?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi @Bipotato7506!

For UMich, your biggest issue getting in will likely be your ACT score. The middle 50% of ACT scores for students admitted to UMich is around 31–34. That puts you far below what you would need to pass the standard academic threshold.

Your grades are good though. A GPA of 3.75 (my quick calculation of 3 Bs and one A a semester) would put you a little below the average range of 3.76–3.92, but that won't be too difficult to make up. And taking community college courses will help a bit in terms of course rigor, but you'll really need some APs and Honors courses to compete (if you school offers them).

Lastly, your extracurriculars sound good, but I'd need some more information as to what exactly your roles are. Whether you're a marcher or the drum major ultimately makes a big difference in how your extracurriculars come across.

For more specific chancing advice, I'd recommend using our Chancing Engine (link on the sidebar). It has detailed information on the average student profile at hundreds of schools, and can tell you what specifically you may need to work on.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

2 years ago

this looks above and beyond, but yes, work on raising that act score. you want the top 25% (35-36) if you can get it. if you don't reach that, don't worry. but that is the score that is most desirable by colleges.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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