2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How bad is an incomplete English II EOC essay?

My EOC was done on the computer. I don't know why they did it, but they did it and there were so many technical issues. I was able to log in, but other people in the same room as me couldn't, so there were a lot of people going in and out and trying to fix the issue which really distracted me. My proctor was busy going around the room and keeping track of the time for us and for all of the people who started late, so he didn't tell us about the remaining 5 minutes. Due to all of this, I wasn't able to type up all of my essay. We didn't get to subpart 2 today like planned because of all of the delays. When I asked classmates and friends if they finished the essay, they said yes, so I'm super scared about my incomplete one. I'm just wondering how the incomplete essay will affect my score, because my dad will get super mad at me if I get below a 85%. I think that if I get below the 80th percentile, my transfer to a good school will probably be rescinded, which will lower my chances of getting into a good college.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

An incomplete essay can still receive a good score. It largely depends on what part you left off. If you just did not have time to finish your conclusion, then your score will not be greatly affected. Leaving an essay halfway finished would result in a large dip in your score, but hope is not lost. There is plenty you can do to make up for even the worst case.

First, you can explain the context behind your score to both the school you are looking to transfer to and to colleges later on. Admissions officers care about the context behind grades, so clarifying the extenuating circumstances behind your score (if it does end up being below 80%) will reduce the damage. You can email admissions officers or use the Additional Information section of applications to do this. If you continue to perform well academically for the rest of your K-12 career, you will make the score look like an anomaly and this will help your applications as well. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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