2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Retake the SAT?

So I got a 1460 on the SAT school test in March (750 English + 710 Math) and I'm wondering if I should retake it. My calculator froze before the test, so I know that I could improve my math score if I retook it WITH a calculator, but at the same time my score is already pretty high and I don't know if retaking it would even be worth it. My top school is BYU-Provo, and their average SAT score ranges between 1220-1410. How much higher than the 75th percentile mark would qualify me for the best scholarships? I know they're not solely based on SAT, but I'm curious as to whether a better score would make a scholarship more likely.


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6 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

My advice is that if you have the time to study and retake the SAT, then try for a higher score. If you get a 1500+ score, this may qualify you for merit awards at other top colleges if your family doesn't qualify for financial aid.

Here's a list of top colleges that offer very good merit awards

I know William & May 1693, U Miami, Washington & Lee and many others offer high merit awards but the cutoff is like 1500+


Good luck

2 years ago


I think you should go for it! Who knows, you could get a better score!

2 years ago

I think you should go for it considering you have time to do it. Its still a good score overall, but if you need that one portion held u back from improving it then go for it! It could definitely benefit you for future purposes.

2 years ago

If you have time to sign up again, there is no reason not to take it again.

It only takes up about 3 hours of your time, but if you do well, it could save you thousands of dollars. You have a pretty great score already, but if you can get it over 1500 (which you're already pretty close to), you'll have a much better chance at merit-based scholarships. The fact that you even got that score with a broken calculator is pretty impressive lol- if I were you, I would absolutely retake it, it sounds like you've got great potential, and even if you only increase your score by 10, I still think it's worth your time.

Good luck!

2 years ago

If you have the time and willpower, definitely go for it! A higher SAT score won't hurt you, that I can say for certain. I've taken and retaken the ACT and SAT and my scores have never gotten lower after a retake, although I cannot speak for everyone. Colleges usually take your highest score, too. I know Khan Academy has a very good SAT course that might help you prepare. I would say, as a previous answer stated, to shoot for the 1500+ realm because of scholarships and merit awards.

Good luck!

2 years ago

If you are confident that you can improve your score then I say go for it!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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