2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I apply to a lot of schools or just apply to my tops?

Please help, I am a Junior and start the application process in the fall.

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@valentinap2 years ago

hello! i'm also a junior. you have to think critically. ONLY apply to schools you would attend to. for each school think, "if this is the only school i got into, would i go here?" there are tons of schools across the world so you have a lot of choices to choose from. if money isn't an issue (or you have application fee waivers) and you have the time to write MANY applications or supplemental essays, there's really no limit to the number of schools you should apply to as long as you want to go!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@JazzyBaby052 years ago

@valentinap thank you, it means a lot to me

@valentinap2 years ago

of course! best of luck!

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6 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey! I’m also a junior going through the same thing. It’s pretty stressful, especially with seeing how stressed seniors at my school were this year! I would say that if you can compile a list of schools you are generally thinking about, make a broad list and then slim it down a little. Applying to JUST your tops doesn’t give a lot of padding in case you do not get into these schools. Take into consideration safety schools you would attend and target schools you would like to attend, and then ED to a reach/top school you want to go to the most. For me personally, I am compiling a list of multiple schools, reaches, targets, and safety’s, and then applying to most of them. This gives leeway for you and it also gives you the chance to be a little wishy-washy in the meantime with what schools you think you would commit to. Also take into consideration how many essay supplements you will have to write, and the time and rigor it will take with each application. Space it out a bit if you have to and see if you can work on big essays over the summer, if possible. I hope that this helped a little bit and I wish you the best of luck with the application process :))

2 years ago

apply to as many as you feel like you would be comfortable attending! i wouldn’t apply to a ton of random schools because there are usually fees associated with applying!! try applying to the schools you feel you would go to if accepted !! <3 good luck and i hope you get in to your dream college!!!!

2 years ago

I'm a junior, and in my research I think that it really does depend on several factors- what state you live in, what you look for in a school, and your academics/ECs. Make sure not to apply to too many though; applications can quickly add up and cost you a lot of time and money.

2 years ago

apply to all the schools your're interested in if you can afford it. some people can't afford to pay that many application fees so they just go with their favorite 5+. And that works if you're in a budget that limits how many schools you can apply to.

2 years ago

I recommend you to apply to your tops! Concentrate your attention!

2 years ago

Okay, it really determines how many you have in your "top". If you have like 2, definitely apply to more schools! Make sure you're applying to places you imagine yourself actually attending and enjoying. While you are applying, make sure you do have a "safe school" that you'd feel comfortable attending, especially if some of your tops are very prestigious. I really hope you get into your dream school!

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