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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Self Studying for AP's


Would anyone recommend self-studying for AP classes? I want to go into the medical field (surgery) and I have free time in the summer. I'm not necessarily interested in high school credit. Where can I take these classes (online- what website) and what classes should I do that for? I do ed-ex does some courses, but I wanted more options.


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3 answers

3 years ago

If you are good at studying and learning new material by yourself, than yes. But you have to make sure you can do it. I would suggest taking one of the easier AP's to see if you can do it before self-studying for one of the harder ones. For resources to study, you can go here:

College Board has course resources, but you'll need an account to access them. To get the course resources you have to go to the Courses and Exams tab in the AP tab and add the course you're going to take the exam for.

You can also get review books, text books, and Youtube videos about the subject. Some websites with videos for AP classes are Coursera, Khan Academy, and EdX.

3 years ago

Your free time in the summer is very valuable when it comes to applying to college. Self-studying for AP exams is certainly a productive way to use it, though I would encourage you to prioritize these activities first:

1. Make sure that your extracurricular list is as optimized as it can be. This blog post has medicine-related EC ideas

2. Self-study for standardized tests if you are applying to schools that are not test optional

3. Draft essays for any applications that have released their prompts

I recommend choosing APs that relate to the medical field so you can earn useful college credit and demonstrate your interest in medicine. AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Calculus, and AP English Language and Composition are the most relevant classes. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

It depends on which classes you want. Khan Academy has free AP courses, however, they don't have the exam. If you do want college credit for the AP classes (which I recommend you get) you need to look for where you can take the exam. But it's good you're looking at AP classes.

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