2 years ago
Admissions Advice


I am a junior in highschool and I question whether or not I can/will get into a college. My GPA isn't the best, and my ACT score isn't perfect either. Honestly, I am not even sure what path I want to take. I suppose I want to go to college but my parents do not think I should go to a 4 year or higher. I want to go to college for Graphic Design or Music Producing but I cannot seem to find the right college for that. I guess I do not know what I want to do. Help?

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[🎤 AUTHOR]@Cjor20052 years ago

I am not sure if anyone can do anything about this or help but....

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I'd recommend community college first if you're worried about getting into college or not! Most community colleges have a 100% acceptance rate and you can get your general education done! A lot of community colleges will offer Graphic Design, maybe not Music Producing. But, if you wish to continue college after gaining your associate's, then you can go to a 4-year college that specializes in what you want to do for either 2 more years or 4! You'll be able to focus on your career path during those years! I recommend this because this is the route I'm taking, but it's only a suggestion because it is not for everyone.

2 years ago

So since you're a junior you still have time to raise your academic records for college. You can always attempt to redo your ACT or SAT to get a better score, but ultimately colleges will most look at grades and such. The best advice I can give to you is to try and show an upward trend from this point on. Since your GPA is the sum of all your course grades throughout your high school career divided by the total number of credits I think it could make a difference maybe even slightly to try and improve it now through your senior year. Community colleges/2 year is very beneficial for a lot of people and doesn't hurt your pockets as much as it would a 4 year+ university although both would do you good. As for your search for colleges I don't know specific colleges for Graphic Design, but its a good time to search whether it be in your area or somewhere else you always wanna shoot for the one that would benefit you most, but also get accommodate for your other needs. Depending on your GPA most community colleges accept minimum of 2.5 or 3.0 from what I've seen or 3.0+ so as long as you're in that range you'll be good. As for universities its roughly 3.0-3.2 but it depends on the college. You still have a chance so go for it!

2 years ago

I recommend taking a look at this CollegeVine blog post on schools with top graphic design programs and this other one on schools with music production programs. You can then make a free CollegeVine account to add these schools and others to your school list.

If you fill out info about your admissions stats and college preferences, you will be able to use CollegeVine's chancing engine to approximate your odds of admission to the colleges on your list. The right college for you is out there, and CollegeVine is here to help you find it. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

If you love graphics or design, then I think you should attend a college, or go to a vocational school, this is also a hot industry.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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