2 years ago
Admissions Advice


FYI I am a freshman now. What do I do ?????? I know people say don't worry about it because they will take into account that you couldn't take any in the first place, but I definitely am. What are the other options? The community college doesn't give high school credit even if you take courses while you are in high school. They only have the bare minimum classes to graduate!

@jud_2462 years ago

Is your question related to your school not offering any AP classes? Your question is a bit unclear.

@Amorae2 years ago

Can you restate the question Im a bit confused>

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2 answers

2 years ago[edited]

I'm going to assume you are saying that your school doesn't offer any AP courses. Colleges will take into account that your school doesn't offer any.

If you are really worried, you can take the AP of a class you are doing currently. This is known as self studying, meaning you don't take the course in school, but study on your own time and sign up for the test.

For example, you can take AP Biology if you are taking biology this year. My friend's brother self studied AP Biology in sophomore year after taking it freshman year while he was taking Chemistry in school and still ended up getting a 4 on the exam, even though it is known to be a hard course.

Additionally, some classes are known to be pretty easy to self study. For example, AP American Government if you have basic knowledge of the U.S. government system and can memorize stuff well. Additionally, AP Psych and AP Macro & Microeconomics. Additionally, look into CLEP exams (College Level Examination Program)

I want to reiterate, colleges take your school not offering AP classes into account. Also, showing you do courses at you local community college in areas you are interested in can show them how passionate you are about a subject, it doesn't just have to be for high school courses.

2 years ago

It sounds like your question is asking about what you should do when your high school does not offer AP classes, though please let me know if this is not the case. I would say that it really is true that colleges do take into account what classes your high school offers. What they care about the most is that you take the most rigorous classes available to you - if those happen to be honors classes, then taking a full course load of honors classes will demonstrate sufficient rigor.

If you still want to take AP classes, and your local community college does not offer dual enrollment credit, then I would recommend self-studying for AP exams. Hope this helps!

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