Hi, how are you?
I'm in a German school and I'm doing my Abitur, and I don't know how to register my grades because our grades are from 1-to 15. On the other hand, I don't know how to register for my courses because we don't follow the concept of AP/IB and Honor classes. Do you have any idea/experience with this?
You can report your grades as they appear on your transcript. Your school's guidance counselor will send colleges a report that explains how your grading scale works and what classes your school offers. Colleges will also be familiar with how the German education system works after years of evaluating students from all over the world.
As for classes, the important thing is to take the most rigorous classes possible. It is fine if these are not AP or IB classes. If you are able to attend a top gymnasium in your area, that will also help.
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