Hi, I have a 3.2 gpa and I will be a junior this fall. I want to be a nurse practitioner. I haven’t took any AP classes and I was thinking about taking one or two classes online over the summer. Does anyone recommend any online AP classes or sites to take AP classes online? I was thinking of trying “Subject” cause they offer online classes but I’m not sure.
Sadly, taking AP classes online isn't very beneficial. AP courses have a nationwide test date sometime in the early weeks of May, so studying over the summer isn't the best idea. I will suggest, however, dual-enrollment courses. Dual-enrollment is slightly better than AP classes in the sense that you can obtain course credit upon satisfactory completion of the class. If your school doesn't offer dual-enrollment, look into your local community college and see if you can enroll in a course or two for the summer semester. If you are still looking to take an AP course, self studying is another option that can be done. You can find resources and textbooks on the college board website. This is difficult though, and it will require a tremendous workload throughout the school year in lieu of your other courses until the testing date in early May. I wish you good luck, continue to look into nursing science, biology, and health science. I know you'll be a great nurse practitioner!
AP classes are extremely beneficial especially if you are considering landing a good program for your undergrad years in STEM. Definitely reach out to your school counselor and ask her what your options are and what the school offers with AP courses. See if you can self-study AP exams if you cannot take courses affiliated with the school. My counselor told me that colleges appreciate college dual enrollment courses much more than AP these days, so see if that is offered as well. Olivia, a nurse practitioner is an amazing career to pursue and I am certain you can do it!
I recommend asking your guidance counselor if your school has a partnership with online AP class providers. If you are not able to take an AP class online during the school day, you can find helpful tips in this guide to self-study for AP exams. AP Biology and AP Chemistry would be good classes for you to take. Hope this helps!
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