2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which teacher for a rec letter?

Hi all,

I'm really struggling with who to ask for my humanities recommendation letter. My issue is that my junior year English teacher who I was planning on asking actually quit at the end of the first semester, so we currently have a long-term sub. I can't really ask her now obviously and I don't feel close enough to the sub.

These are my remaining options, if anybody has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.

1. My history teacher who taught me freshman and sophomore year. Got an A+ in both years and am still super close with him. I talk to him weekly and he was the advisor for a club I founded and ran.

2. Current history teacher who I don't know that well. Have an A in her class but I just don't click with her that well.

3. Teacher who taught me in an honors English elective this year. While I loved her, it was only a semester class so I don't think I have much of a relationship to go off of.

I really feel like I should go with the history teacher who taught me for two years, but I'm worried because he didn't teach me junior year.

@PersephoneAndCoffee2 years ago

I think you should definitely go with option one, your history teacher is going to know you the best and probably have the best things to say about you. That should make your rec letter come off more natural and appealing

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5 answers

2 years ago

I'd say go for option number 1. You still talk to him and he has some good experiences with you, and he has taught you for two years. He knows you both as a student and as a person, better than the others, so this is probably a better recommendation than your original choice too.

2 years ago

I'd definitely ask the teacher you've known for longer. Though the other two have taught you this year, the other teacher has seen you grow more as a person and therefore can write a more in depth (and complimentary) letter

2 years ago

I'd definetly go for your sophomore history teacher. You did well in his class, participated, and sounds like because he was your club advisor, has a good handle on who you are and can really talk about what makes you great.

2 years ago

I would go with option 1. They have known you longer and since they were an advisor for a club that you founded, they can also include leadership abilities in your recommendation letter as well as your work ethic.

2 years ago

I would also go with option 1. Your history teacher knows you well and you guys seem to get along well! You also earned amazing averages in his class which is also a plus. He helped you out with the club you developed so all I see are 3 amazing reasons to ask him for a rec letter! :)

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