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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

High School Math Classes

I am currently a sophomore in high school, and have a question about what math classes I should take for my senior year. Freshman year I took algebra 1, and this year I am current taking geometry, then for junior year next year I will be taking algebra 2. Algebra 2 is a prerequisite for 3 senior math classes. I looked at the colleges I want to attend and they all say I need 3-4 units of math. So, I am definitely taking a math class senior year but here is where I am stuck at. The three classes I can take senior year are trig and stats, pre-calc, and AP stats. But pre-calc can be taken concurrently with AP stats. So I was thinking about taking those two classes both senior year so I can have 5 units of math and not just 4 units. I feel like I will be able to take on these two classes without struggling too bad because I’ll still have a free period to study and do whatever I need to do to help. But I wanted some sort of opinion from someone or at least someone who has also have two math classes at the same time to see what I should do .


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi! I'm also an HS student but I'm currently in precalc and as someone who has always liked math, I like it a lot! I really recommend taking it because a lot of college math courses are calculus-based, so it'll be a good building block for you in the future. Doubling up could be a great idea if you know what type of major you might pick, but I honestly think if you're not sure the type of major you want to pick uses a ton of math the extra stress might not be worth it. Everyone I know who's doubled up on math definitely had a lot of work, but they were glad they were able to get a little ahead in their courseloads. If you do double up I'd recommend taking trig and stats with precalc because they sort of compliment each other and having your extra class be an AP could be really stressful. I hope this was helpful! :)

3 years ago

Hey! I am a junior in high school currently taking precalculus and I will take a college-level calculus my senior year.

First off, I am not a very math-oriented person, but many of my friends are.

I have a couple of friends who are currently enrolled in both AP Calculus(BC) and AP Statistics. From what they have told me, two maths can be confusing and is most definitely a rigorous course load. However, if you have that open study hall, and are willing to put in the work for 2 math courses, I would recommend taking both.

You most definitely need to take pre-calc if you wish to go to a highly competitive school, as it is required by most of them. If you can add AP stat into your schedule I think it would be beneficial to demonstrate your high school rigor. Let me know if you need any other help!

3 years ago

i have 2 classes right now im a sophomore and i go to a college prep school and i currently take high school courses and college courses to so i have it harder than you do but it's up to you to do what you think is best for you so just do what you feel it right

3 years ago[edited]

I doubled in Geometry and Algebra 2 my sophomore year and I would say that it wasn't too much of an issue taking both classes at the same time. Doubling in pre-Calc and AP Stats seems like a great idea if you want to do that.

There is also the option of skipping pre-Calculus to go straight into Calculus AB. For my school, if you want to skip pre-Calc, you would study pre-Calc during the summer and take an exam before the start of school. This is because pre-Calculus is mainly "Algebra review". If you know a lot about Algebra, and you wish to take Calculus AB for your senior year, I would definitely recommend studying pre-Calc during the summer and taking that exam (that is, if your school allows you to do this).


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