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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to find a major right for you?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school. I've been looking at college majors, and I've been trying to get an idea of what I want to do. I've always known I don't want to go into STEM because I'm not a huge STEM person. I've found a passion for humanities, however I am not sure if the majors I am interested are right for me. As of right now the top 3 majors/fields I'm interested in are Law, International Relations (or Affairs), or communications. Law is definitely the most interesting and attention grabbing one of these three to me right now, however I am not really confident. I'm not confident I will succeed in this field and am unsure if I even want to go to law school. People around me have said they can see me going into law, but I still lack confidence about pursuing law. My confidence is the biggest setback right now, mainly because I am afraid I will choose the wrong major. How can I know if a certain major is a good fit and right for me?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

@karengkim I'm a junior in High School rn and I completely get what you're going through. From what I've been told, the first two years of college are a great time to figure out what you want to do. Personally, I don't think that there is a 'wrong' major, I think there is a major that makes you happy (if law still makes you happy in college then you can make that your major). Rn I also want to get into law but I also like the idea of agriculture, so I don't know what's going to happen. 2 years ago I wanted to be a nurse, so just know that things can change. Basically what I'm saying is don't stress too much about it until the end of the two years in college because you might like something you've never thought of. :)

3 years ago

Hi! Good thing you're a sophomore so you still have room to explore. Try out different EC's and clubs at your school. Take government classes as well as a lot of history classes. You'll pretty much get a sense of what law is.

3 years ago

College is a great place for you to experiment with your major. You can go in undeclared if you want and choose a major after your freshman year in college. You can also go with one of the three you decided, and if you end up not liking it, you can switch majors to something else and still attend the school. Another thing - you can take many classes in college that aren't related to your major so you can still do many different things while pursing your degree. Many many people change their majors in college, or they decide school isn't right for them. I also know many adults personally whose jobs are completely different to what they majored in for college. Hope this helps!

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