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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is dropping out of IB going to affect my chances of a good school?Can I make up for dropping out of the classes with AP?

I have plenty of extra curriculars and interest outside of school. I am not sure if IB is going to help me in the direct that I would like to go. I see many DP kids get rejected from schools they should be getting into. I am getting Bs and Cs in the program. I am not sure if I could continue further into senior year.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hey there! as a fellow DP student I 100% recommend that you do what you think its the best for you. To answer your question, you can make up dropping out the IB program with AP classes. AP could be the route for you and it will help you a lot! since you mentioned you have activities outside of school, I think IB would be a lot to deal with, whereas with AP you could have that flexibility.

I'm not talking bad about the IB program, in fact, like I mentioned before I also take IB but hearing and analyzing your situation I believe AP would be a good choice. I hope your journey goes well and lets finish high school strong 💪🏻!

P.S, many kids got rejected from school they should be getting into, please don't compare yourself to them, to a certain extent college admissions can be random so please don't doubt yourself. You will get into a good college.

3 years ago

I'm a junior at a school with a very strong IB program and I know tons of people doing IB this year. Overall I'd say that it's split 50/50 between those who like it and are glad that did it and those who are regretting staying in the program. I personally did Pre-IB for 2 years and dropped it before my junior year and I've just loaded up on AP classes instead, and I have to admit that it's been a great decision so far. I also know a few people who tried doing the program this year and are planning on dropping out for senior year like you just because it's too much work. If you're planning on doing AP classes and you've got strong extracurriculars I'd suggest dropping IB if that's what you think is best for you.

On a side note, based on talking to seniors this year, it sounds like extracurriculars and essays are having much more impact than gpa/test scores this year. Like you said, there's lots of high-gpa students getting rejected from schools they should be getting into. All that to show that dropping IB likely won't affect you too much if you have strong extracurriculars and do well on your essays.

3 years ago

I honestly haven't heard to much about IB until recently. I would say it's a good idea to do AP because they get you college credit, whereas I've heard IB doesn't. If you're struggling with harder programs, the best advice I can give you is put more working into it and look up good studying methods.

And most of all, be confident. If you believe all you're worth is Bs and Cs then all you'll be worth is Bs and Cs. Be confident you can be a straight-A student, put the work in and you'll end up doing better than you thought you would.

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