4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is my GPA ok?

GPA: 3.88 (weighted)

hasn't changed for this year but this is my GPA for freshman year

I am currently a sophomore in high school planning to major in computer science. These are a few things I have done so far for colleges like Princeton, NYU, and Rutgers. Please leave any suggestions. Thank you!


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3 answers

4 years ago

Considering that you're only a rising junior, your stats are very good! Keep in mind that colleges also look at your SAT score and the essay you'll be writing in the Common App. If there is a computer science class available in your school, I recommend taking that class to get a feel for your soon-to-be major. As for your extra curricular activities, try and get involved in one that is computer science related. So, in conclusion, your application is more than okay for elite colleges such as Princeton and NYU. Good luck with everything! :)

4 years ago

Honestly, sharing what your unweighted GPA is more pertinent and important to determine how you are doing as compared to other rising juniors. Unweighted GPAS are more like comparing apples to apples however each school is different, each curriculum is different as well as course rigor. Weighted GPAs are like comparing apples to pineapples because most schools weigh honors, AP classes, and IB classes differently or not at all. I recommend you collect unweighted GPAs averages from all your target and reach schools by google searching them. And if you need more granular data, you can google the Common Data Set for each of the colleges and find a detailed summary of what the GPAs are for each college in different tranches or groupings. You will be able to see where you are in comparison to other admitted students. I recommend watching Malcolm Gladwell's video on why going to Harvard shouldn't be the most important thing because you don't want to be an average or less than the average student at Harvard. It's better to be the top student at a slightly lesser college because you have more opportunities to have your research published and get more visibility and success. You can be anything you put your mind to so my advice is that make sure you do yourself a favor and pick a portfolio of schools you see yourself being happy and thriving at.

4 years ago

Use the chancing engine. If you haven't taken the SAT or ACT yet, put in a score that matches either your PSAT score or practice tests. Put the number of AP classes you would have upon graduation (basically, try to project out to what your application will look like as a senior). The results from that will be more accurate than anything anyone on this forum will be able to tell you — that's why it's there.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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