2 years ago
Admissions Advice

When and how many scholarships is everyone applying to?

When is everyone applying for scholarships and how many scholarships are you applying for? Also, is it too early if I start applying this year as a freshman? Thanks!

@elliotisokayig0272 years ago

I think I’m going to be applying for bright futures.

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Yes, its way too early unless you have some "spike" talent like being an incredible musician, artist, or dancer. There are not a lot of significant scholarship opportunities for you to either get money, or have some grant towards your college education. There are some excellent summer school programs offered by MIT, JHU, and others where you can apply for scholarship to attend. These programs will first require you to be very smart to get into. And if you qualify for financial aid, sometimes they pay for the whole summer program, sometimes for 1/2 Tuition.

Most college bound students do their research during junior year and start applying in the Spring semester of Junior year and Fall semester of Senior year. All the big ones like Coca Cola, Gates Scholarship and Jack Cooke Kent are senior year deadlines. Some need based ones like Questbridge College Prep Scholars are a Spring Junior year application for high achieving low income students. And some open up over the summer before Senior year.

There are plenty of little ones with small awards like $250, $500 etc. Including the CollegeVine one so you can start with that right hear by collecting Karma points and entering your Karma Bid.

Good luck.

2 years ago[edited]


Yes, freshman year is far too early to start worrying about scholarships. Focus on building a rigorous schedule and maintaining good grades, as well as finding some extracurriculars.

If you are still looking for a scholarship by junior year, I recommend the NMSP. The National Merit Scholarship starts in 11th grade after you take the nationwide PSAT. Around the top 1-2% of students from the PSAT are invited to the NMSP in September. This scholarship can get you some serious recognition from most colleges in the country, some may even give you money to attend their school purely because of this program.

-Barrett Feagin


National Merit Scholar

Top 0.8% of ACT 2022

Top 3% of SAT 2021

Top 1% of PSAT 2021

Varsity Dive Captian

3-time 5AAAAA State Diving Champion

2 years ago

Way to early. You don’t start looking until junior year, and they don’t keep record of your semester grades until junior and senior.

2 years ago

I know there are a lot of merit based scholarships after you take an SAT, and most people I know start between their junior and senior year. I personally haven't started, but I think it might not hurt to apply before the whole college application process!

2 years ago

I think I will apply in my junior year - my high school graduation class is 2025. I'll apply for as many as I need to.

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