2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which College Topic is Just Right?

As a Junior who's applying to colleges in a few months, I've been struggling on figuring out what would be a good topic for my essays. I can confidently say the rest of my application is pretty good (GPA, SAT, ECA, etc) so I'd want my essay to be good as well. Of course, I know that it should be something that reflects me as a person but I don't know what topic would be just right between informal and formal. I've been thinking about it for months and still have nothing that I would be able to write an essay on.

My passions and interests are always changing from time to time so they're all very broad. How did you know what topic is just right and that's it's not too informal or formal?

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3 answers

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2 years ago[edited]

Writer's block is a common thing for high school students who have to write about themselves. Why? Because it's not a common thing to learn to be introspective and self-actualizing because it's not learned from your parents, teachers or coaches. Therefore, I would recommend that you ask your closest friends and trusted adults some questions about you to help understand how the world perceives you and how they view you as an amazing human being. Once you digest how other people think about you, it's might trigger something in you brain to expand upon what they shared with you.

Here are some test questions you can text or email them:

Dear Friends and Family, it's important to me to understand how you and the world sees me as a person. So do me a solid, and answer these questions to the best of your ability.

-When you think of @lilypad, what are your first thoughts about her best qualities? Give me an example of what you mean.

-What are @lilypad's best attributes that stand out for you compared to other people her age?

-What 3 things do you think @lilypad can improve in her life to help her achieve her objectives?

-Where do think @lilypad will be when she is an adult? You don't have to be specific but explain why you think so? So if you think I'm going to be a great scientist or writer or politician or activist, share that and why you think so.

-What is one memory that stands out to you that make you appreciate @lilypad? Explain the event and what she did to make you feel proud to know her?

I hope their responses will clue you into knowing yourself better and what you can write and share with complete strangers who are going to read your college application. It's important that you use your own voice, your own writing style and convey to them who you are. Why? Everyone has a GPA, ECs, Recommendations, some have test scores. They want to know why they should advocate for you over the other 20 or 25 people that want that same spot that you would fill if accepted.

Good luck.

2 years ago

Try checking out College with Mattie's half ideas essay article or the College Essay Guy for more ideas. I'm in the same boat but both have really helped my figure out what essay topic would reflect me as a person!

2 years ago

Hey Lily!

So as you probably know, your essay certainly needs to reflect your interests, personality, and values. Beyond those things, you should pick a topic that you can relate to you growing as a person, facing difficult obstacles, or connecting with others.

Because all of these traits are very basic, yet essential, your essay should be very personalized. Colleges want to see a glimpse of your personality and how you would fit into their school's atmosphere (you can potentially play this to your advantage and write an essay that not only reflects your personality, but also the values of the specific school).

The best essay topics are always ones that are interesting and personal, while still following these rules. Try and think of a unique experience you have had, or something very personal to you.

Once you have your topic, you should definitely develop a "hook" that will catch the eye of your admissions officer. These offices read thousands of essays so make sure to not bore them with some unoriginal recycled idea, MAKE IT YOUR OWN!!!!

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, you will certainly end up somewhere you will love!

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