2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Over-the-summer activities?

I am currently a freshman in high school. So far, other than joining a few extracurricular clubs (where I have only attended as a member), my record is quite bland. My grades are fine, but I feel that I haven't done anything significant that makes me stand out amongst my classmates.

What are some of your suggestions for over the summer activities? I'm planning to major in pre-med or biology. Said activities don't have to necessarily be ones that go on a high school record. Something for my benefit (such as researching a book) would be great as well.

Looking forward to any suggestions. I fully understand that this is only the first year of my high school experience and I have yet to stress about college applications and whatnot, but a strong start is always the best start.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I see where you're concerned here. I wish I had been as thoughtful when I was a freshmen.

Some colleges have summer camps you could do that might look impressive to colleges. It shows you're into your career path. You might be able to find a place to intern or perform research at. I don't know too much about the latter; I've only heard about it. If you gave your location I may be able to help a bit more.

Also, during school you could try AP classes while in your later years. Especially go for AP Biology. AP will increase your course rigor and also get you college credit, so that'll be less work to do when you actually attend college. You may be able to get dual enrollment too, that would be something to look into.

Hope this helps.

2 years ago
2 years ago

You can try starting a passion project this summer so by the time you apply for college, you have a more substantial involvement and accomplishment that also aligns with your story!

2 years ago

You could do a sport, summer camp, you could join an engineering team, you could also simply pursue your hobbies. For me, my summer plan is to get good at CAD, Blender, and also to make a couple of things with my 3d printer. When you're a freshman it is a good time to build up a repertoire of skills that you can use later. Hope that helps!

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