2 years ago
Admissions Advice


Lately I've been feeling a bit unmotivated to get could grades, any tips?

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3 answers

2 years ago

Sometimes it helps me when I watch YouTube study with me videos. I also downloaded an app called StudyBunny and it's more on the cute side so I'm not sure if you would like that but you could try. You could also just try rewarding yourself (1 homework done = 5 candy pieces; reason with your parents so 2 straight A's = 100$ gift card; etc) so you get a sense of accomplishment. Also, listening to music helps me focus a lot (especially Lofi/no lyric songs). There's another homework tip I learned: when the homework is assigned at school, fill in one or two questions so you feel more inclined to finish them at home (as opposed to doing the entire thing at home). If you want to get your grades up but just keep procrastinating, I found it helpful to make a schedule and actually make an effort to stick with it so you get everything done. One last thing, if you want (and this might sound a little evil), you could flex your good grades to your friends :)

2 years ago

One thing that I found that really helps is having friends work with you, just work together in a small group, ask each other for help on a question, etc. If it's a bigger problem, for example with long-term projects or essays, I often find that to-do lists get me back on track.

2 years ago[edited]

I am often in the same boat! The reason for feeling unmotivated is mainly because there is no enjoyment for what you're doing. The best way to get yourself motivated is to link something you enjoy to your assignments; for example, if you like music then listen to music while your work! Enjoy movies? Then watch a movie while you work. While these methods might lead to you becoming distracted or taking longer than needed to complete assignments, I find it is a great way to get yourself motivated first before you try to get yourself focused.

Since everyone likes rewards, give yourself a reward after you've completed an assignment! Personally for me, I reward myself with a nap or a few minutes of screen time on my phone once I've completed everything.

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