2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I increase my chances as a junior?

Hi everyone!

I'm a junior this year, and I'm planning on applying to some pretty prestigious universities in the fall. However, last year my grades suffered because of covid. I'm wondering what I can do to make up for the dip in my gpa. It is still 3.0-4.0, but most of the universities I'm looking at have an average of 3.8 or higher and I fall a fraction below that.

For context, I have decent extracurriculers:

- Literary Magazine Editor and Writer

- Varsity Hockey

- Earth Corps Leader

- Part-Time Job

I also have really good ACT scores, but I haven't taken the SAT. Should I?

I'm confident that my essays will be strong and I have really good people to help me edit them. I have good relationships with my AP teachers and am planning to have them write me letters of recommendation.

So, what can I do to give myself a little boost?

Thank you for your help!

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[🎤 AUTHOR]@bakeee2 years ago

Alright, to clarify, my unweighted GPA is currrently 5.6 and my ACT is 34. I took two AP classes this year, AP Chemistry and AP Language and Composition. I have a leadership role in a few school activities - Literary Magazine, which I write and edit for, Earth Corps, which is a climate justice and sustainability club, and Latin Club, which I founded and use to create interest in history and help struggling students learn the language. I am white and female and I attend a public high school.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@bakeee2 years ago

Hopefully that helps!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I have some ideas.

1. Work on boosting your GPA. Commit time to study, and cut out distractions during that time so you can get more done.

2. Try some AP classes. This will increase your course rigor and make you stand out more while simultaneously giving you college credit.

3. Don't just apply to your top schools. Apply to one or two safety schools that you're pretty certain you'll get into, just in case.

For the SAT, I'd say it's up to you if you take it. There is a National Merit Scholarship program that can get you high-value financial aid if you get almost a perfect score on the SAT. If you decide to try for it, you'll need to do a lot of practice. Khan Academy has SAT prep with full-length practice tests that could be helpful.

2 years ago

I don't think anyone can realistically answer your question with the amount of information you have provided. Can you fill in the blanks please? Then you will get better answers.

-What is your current unweighted GPA? 3.5? 3.6?

-What is your current ACT score? 32? 33? 34? 35?

-How many APs or IBs have you taken? And AP or IB test scores?

-How many dual enrollment college classes have you taken? or online college classes?

-What leadership roles do you have?

-What is your demographic? Do you attend a public or private school? Are you Black, Indigenous, or Hispanic? Or White or East Asian? Did either parent attend a 4 year college? Are you low income?

-What is your "spike" narrative?

-What do you do outside of school that can be considered an intellectual pursuit?

Answer these, and you'll get a good answer.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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