2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are some good summer internships for a high school sophmore?

I currently live in east Tennessee, but there just aren't any great internship opportunities near me. I want an internship that is going to really look good on college applications as well as provide valuable life experience. I would especially prefer a business internship, but would be open to some other fields. I'm hoping to find some online or remote internships, or maybe even an internship that I would have to travel to if it was a really amazing opportunity because my family loves to travel and my mom's work is remote. Are there any internships that fit my criteria that you could suggest?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

While I can't recommend specific internships, what I can recommend (and if you do some research on gaining high school internships specifically you'll find similar advice) is to A. reach out to people instead of looking for offered options and B. try to reach out to as many people as possible. Firstly, on A., there are a couple of reasons for this. One is that with posted internships, you'll usually be competing against college students. As a high schooler, your resume may be incredibly impressive, but sometimes prospective employers will just search for age as an indicator of skill or maturity. This of course isn't always true, but you need to react as necessary to it. Reaching out and cold emailing people allows you to be the only person you are competing with. Additionally, but reaching out to people yourself, you can impress prospective employers with your initiative and eagerness to better yourself. There are particular things you might want to mention that are covered really well here: https://www.shemmassianconsulting.com/blog/internships-for-high-school-students, as well as some other useful pieces of advice about networking and locating possible employers. Try to look for employers whose business models or techniques specifically impress and appeal to you, but don't get too set on any particular place, which brings me to B. You will probably get a few "no"s, so emailing as many people as possible helps you raise your odds of getting at least one "yes". Don't use a cut-and-paste template for each place of course, but try to reach out to multiple people. Sooner or later you'll find a yes. That way, you don't have to wait to hear a "no" to reach out to another person, if you get two offers, it's always okay to simply choose one and let the other know you received a better opportunity elsewhere so, unfortunately, you have to turn the other down. Hopefully, these tips work for you, and good luck on the internship search!

2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what a good internship would be but I am in a similar situation so I wanna see what other people have to say.

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