How do I build a spike if I'm interested in the computer science field? I'm a female and I'm also passionate about photography and sustainability.
ECs I'm currently doing/planning on doing next year:
- Photography Club
- Girl Up
- Next Generation Nations
- Science Olympiad
- Computer Science Honor Society
- Physics Club
- Link Crew
Other things:
- I have my own photography website
- I'm doing Princeton course: Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose through Coursera
- I'm taking/have taken (AP Environmental Science, AP Physics 1, AP Computer Science A, AP Seminar, AP Human Geography) and am planning on taking (AP Chemistry, AP Physics 2, AP Research, AP Calculus AB) next year
Your resume is impressive. I would suggest volunteering or creating an organization that advocates for STEM. How will you change the world? That's what a spike is. I've known people who have created extensive learning platforms or run technology refurbishment programs. Choose what fits your interests and make it your own.
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