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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does the Seal of Biliteracy look good on college applications?

I want to get the Seal of Biliteracy in California in French. I don't think many other students in my high school are getting it, but I'm unsure. Does it look good on college applications?

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4 answers

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5 years ago[edited]


5 years ago

YES! a bunch of students at my high school received them for Spanish and they all said that it did help with getting into college and has even set them apart from other candidates when applying for future jobs.

4 years ago

Receiving an award like the Seal of Biliteracy is never really going to hurt your chances on an application but it's tough to say how much of a benefit you really receive. Personally, I think you'll get a boost in your chances but I don't think it will be big enough to be a deciding factor on whether you're admitted somewhere or not. Regardless, receiving this seal can signal important aspects of your character to a college because it can show passion, commitment, and perseverance towards a goal. If you are able to take honors classes for most of your languages that will look good for your academic rigor as well. And, like @Naia_Ryman, it can help for future prospects for jobs and will look good on a resume. It's a good idea to go for the Seal simply for the fact that being bilingual has a lot of added benefits besides college applications.

One final thing to consider about receiving the seal is that some colleges will offer students credit for earning it. I know you can earn up to 8 hours of credits at the University of Illinois. So even if you only receive a slight boost in your admission chances from earning the seal the credit hours are a nice benefit.

5 years ago

A Seal of Biliteracy and the Pathway awards are a statement by the school system that mastery of two or more languages is important. It encourages students to pursue biliteracy, honors the skills our students attain and can be evidence of skills that are attractive to future employers and college admissions offices. So not only will it help you with college apps, but having the seal will help you throughout you entire school and work career in the future. If you feel confident in your language skills I would definitely recommend taking the test and even if you don't pass there is no repercussions for attempting but not passing the test.

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