2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What opportunities are available to me if I want to have my spike in politics?

I'm currently an incoming freshman and I know that I want to go to Stanford University for a poli sci major and journalism minor. I haven't started high school yet but I'm wondering what I can do over summer this year to put me in the running for Stanford. Are there any part-time opportunities or internships (revolving around politics or law) I can do as an incoming freshman?

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2 answers

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2 years ago

Hi @mahithakonjeti! I'm also planning to pursue a career in law and government. Here are some of my general tips and opportunities I got overtime:

(1) Join your school's student council or leadership club (If there is one), and get a role or title over the four years of active participation. [Cost Free]

(2) Start a Club, movement, petition, for example I started a Polling Club and surveyed students views on Canceling Honors Courses in our High School. [Cost Free]

(3) Apply for a National Essay Writing Contest, if you get a place at State or National level it would be fascinating. I have competed for the The Bill of Rights Institute as We the Students Essay Contest but failed. Here are the top three Writing Contests (https://www.thinqueprep.com/post/3-writing-contests-for-high-schoolers-interested-in-government-and-politics) [Cost Free]

(4) Join NSDA debate competition, and your School's debate club if there is one. I believe you can apply as a individual participant with some entry fee. [Little Cost]

(4) Apply to Prestigious Summer or Course programs. I have applied to some of the virtual courses at University of Notre Dame since they offer great humanities courses. Here is the complete list of Most Prestigious Summer Programs for High School Students - (https://blog.collegevine.com/most-prestigious-summer-programs-for-high-school-students) [Cost Free/High Cost]

(5) Start a podcast, youtube channel, twitter, or any social media account for your most recent political opinions. However if your view of point or topic is controversial just keep in mind that if you want to make headlines early on. Since it can affect your College Application positively or negatively based on the political views of the admissions officer. [Cost Free]

(6) Write for a book or your school Newspapers/Blog, nowadays it's easier to publish a book than ever. You can even publish blank books on amazon. So you may publish a book for the selection of great Political/History/Social essays you wrote over time. [Little Cost]

(7) You can directly intern for politicians or work as a legislative assistant for a candidate you support. Yes, I typically use Indeed to find internships and jobs. Or I will go to a Politician or candidate's website and find opportunities there. However this should be in your final junior year. [Cost Free]

I hope this helps & Best wishes to your High School Career!

2 years ago

If you search Indeed you should be able to find an internship.


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