I took all my required classes and am planning on getting a job senior year. My schedule will consist of Italian, AP gov, lit, and yoga. Is this really bad? I have extracurriculars and can write good essays.
It's only bad if you are not trying to get in top college. If you are applying to a State School and you feel you are better qualified than the average admit, you should be okay. If you are applying to say Top 50 schools, I would say your lack of course rigor will inform admission officers that you are not really a serious student. You are only taking 3 academic classes while most high achieving seniors are taking 6-7 academic classes.
Good luck.
Hello, @danapik. Do you have to work during the days of your senior year? Can you work on evenings or weekends (as I will do)? I recommend that you take more courses, particularly AP/honor courses. Because the number of honors and AP credits demonstrates to the college your commitment to rigor and high academic goals. However, if you must work during the days of your senior year, you must be truthful with the colleges. They will never know if you do not inform them. Explain why your work and resulted in only four courses in your essay. The admissions officers will then be more understanding, and possibly tender, toward such a situation.
I hope this would help you.
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Thank you so much for the response! I don’t have to work every day, I could take more classes if needed but there’s no more AP’s available other than math related ones and I’m very bad at math. I took all my required classes already and will have 4 APs by the end of high school. My school is very weird so the only way I can fill up my schedule will be with electives which seems pointless. I’m also doing an internship abroad this summer and have lots of extracurriculars.