2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are my EC’S enough if they’re not continuos?

So I’m taking 1 AP this year and 1 dual enrollment course(I’m a junior). I’m going to take another AP course next year and 5-6 dual enrollment courses. Here are some demographics: African American, public school, will be 1st generation. I didn’t do many EC’S freshman/sophomore year and I’m worried some of them don’t contribute to the major I want to do(management info systems/business admin)

EC’S: student council member(9th grade), student council vice president(11th grade) national honor society secretary(11-12th), DSY(unpaid business program, teaching us corporate skills)- fall 2021, 6 weeks long

E.Rodriguez honors program, member (11th-12)

Guggenheim museum intern collect-cohort(writing editorial, creating surveys, hosting events)- year long, 2 week girls who code program in august and this summer I might have a internship at Ernst & young (or any corporate partners my program will match me with) That’s all for this year. I really want to go to UPenn I’m not too crazy about top schools but this is my dream school that happens to be a top school.

I want to know if my EC’S are okay because they are not continuous and l haven’t been doing them through all 4 years of highschool. What are some schools i should consider applying to considering what I have now? And is what I have now good enough for UPenn? Sorry, it’s a lot🤣but pls answer!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think you have good extracurriculars. You leaderships roles are good, they show you're a good leader, especially since you've been in so many. Some good business extracurriculars are good too.

As for going to UPenn, I'm sure your extracurriculars will be fine there. They'll probably be a bit more concerned about your grades and course rigor, and making sure you "sell" yourself with a good admissions essay.

Also, keep your options open. I don't mean to be a party pooper, but you might not get into UPenn. Apply to 2 or 3 other schools you have a pretty good chance of getting into just in case. Better safe than sorry.

2 years ago

I think that your extracurriculars are great! Sure, having consistency doesn't hurt and definitely shows great drive, but you have great extracurriculars and I think it's better to have a few extracurriculars that are impressive instead of a ton of super-common extracurriculars.

As for admission into UPenn, I think that it varies on the other factors of your application. If you have stellar grades, a fantastic essay, amazing letters of recommendation, great coursework, etc., then you will be fine.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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