I'm a little confused about the National Honors Society and how you can be a part of it. Do you need to talk to your counselor about it? Also, how do you get in? I know it's a relatively common EC on applications but I don't really know any specifics. Thank you!
Also, if anyone knows any other organizations/ECs/awards similar to NHS, I would really appreciate it if you guys could share them :)
Hi! I think being in the NHS is a very good leadership opportunity (I am in the NHS at my high school). You should get an email from one of your high school counselors or the manager of the student leadership opportunities at the school. Also, I’m in concurrent enrollment and I think being in the Student Government is an excellent way to show your leadership skills as well! As for the academics part, being in summa cum laude or on the president's list are excellent ways to show academic achievement.
Hope this helps!
I received an email from my school's National Honor Society Faculty Advisor to let me know I'm academically eligible to be considered for membership into NHS. I'm sure you can talk to your counselor about it. From what I know, you don't really apply as much as you're selected/ nominated by your school. Getting in means you have good grades and some extracurricular activities. NHS members hold a bunch of fundraisers at my school and also have their own tutoring program. Idk anything similar to it, but I'm sure just generally having good grades and some extracurriculars would suffice. Good luck!!
I'm a Junior in my school's NHS. At the end of last year NHS had applications open to all the sophomores and juniors who met the membership requirements. At our school you have to have a 3.5 GPA and have been active in a service club during sophomore year. We went to an introductory meeting, had to fill out the application and write a short response talking about our positive qualities. After that a teacher council reviewed our applications and decided if we were accepted. Then you get inducted into the club and that's it!
Typically it’s invite. Somehow they will receive your grades/assess your candidacy, then send offer information for you to decline or accept. Same process for college honor societies. You can always inquire how to make yourself suitable or check with counselors to make sure they considered your app for the ones you have interest in.
In my school I will join the NHS in two years because you need to be a junior to get in. Now I believe its different at most schools but in my school you have to fill out a google form with information about yourself and your GPA. For NHS you tutor people. If you are in Rho Beta Kappa you tutor someone in math in my school.
Best brains is a tutoring place in Maryland/my area so that is similar to NHS.
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i just went through the application process at my HS. for me i had to write down mhy extracariculars, any leadershio experince i had over the year, and have at least 9 voluenteer hours. i also had write an essay saying what i would do if accepted and why i think i'd be a good fit.