2 years ago
Admissions Advice

College Students are submitting their College Course Essays for Free Peer Review

College Students are submitting their College Course Essays for Free Peer Review.

Yes, you heard me right. There are college students who have figured out that they can get a free peer review on College Vine for their college courses. How do I know this? Today I was matched up with this Freshman College Student who submitted a 4 page College English Essay for review on the Peer Review. He stated in his opening that he is a Freshman at Sacramento State College and wrote down the SSC College Course this 4 page essay was for.

So what did I do. I exited the Peer Review and will be docked 10 or 20 Karma for not completing the review in 1 hour. Seriously, why would I want to help a College Student get a better grade in a Core Curriculum College Class with my essay review? Plus, I think that's a form of cheating.

I haven't done essay review in a while and was not happy that I can't choose from 2 essays nor could refresh the page and get a different essay to review. I think this is NOT THE INTENT of the Peer Essay Review because Matriculated College Students are not CV's target audience and I don't believe College Students are Peers.

Originally, 99% of Peer Essays for review were either Common App essays or Supplemental Essays like "Why UChicago?" or "Why NYU?", but if the floodgates are open and I guess anyone can request a free peer review if they have a CV account, that's not a good thing. It is frustrating for CV members that are trying to earn Karma through helping peers.

For me, until the Peer Review feature is fixed, its just a waste of my time. I don't mind helping a HS kid in need but I draw the line at editing a graded paper for a college core curriculum course so a college kid get a better grade than they deserve.

Yes, I've been offered NON College Application Essays for Review
No, I've only had to review College Application essays
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2 years ago

I could be wrong but I think the goal of Peer Review is to give feedback on the essays of highschool students so it can help their essay look more attractive so that it can push them into the right direction so they can enter the college they want.


2 years ago

tbh I also think that such essays should not be allowed here, I mean we are high schoolers, how come college students be our peer


2 years ago

Hi there @CameronBameron,

I'm sorry to hear you received essays outside of the topic of college admissions/personal statements. We certainly understand your concerns around this and we're continuously working to improve our peer review feature. Since this service is free and open to all students, we've found that there are certainly some users who misuse the peer review objective and we are working to to solve for this on the platform.

I took a look at the essay and can agree that it was outside the topic of college essays or personal statements. I've gone ahead and reached out to the user to advise them of our community standards so it does not occur again.

Thank you again for reaching out. We appreciate your presence on our site! Please continue to flag any behavior that violates our community guidelines. You can always reach out to support@collegevine.com to report any concerns.

All the best.

🎤2 years ago

@Wolf_and_Moon Thanks for the fast response and kind words. I think more high achieving peers are happy to help and donate their time to HS kids that really need some help with college essays. We just don't want to have to make the choice of bailing on this kind of volunteerism because some bad seeds that are looking for a short cut during their college years.


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