2 years ago
Admissions Advice

I am looking for a creative writing/fantasy/French internship/program for the summer.

As listed above, I am looking for a creative writing/fantasy/French internship/program for the summer THAT IS NOT LISTED ON COLLEGEVINE BLOGS. I have already gone through every single one.

Guidelines for a good internship/program:

1. Has to begin after June 13th

2. Cannot be over $3500 in combined costs. (Preferably free as these are usually harder to get in to.)

3. Has some sort of name that is recognizable/prestigious

4. Aligns with creative writing, fantasy or French.

5. It can or not be connected to a college, though if it is connected to a college, I would prefer that it is a well-known one, not a community college in the middle of nowhere.

6. Cannot be: NYTimes Summer School, Columbia/Brown Pre-College Program, EducationUnlimited Boot Camp, John Hopkins pre-college program

7. Study abroad internships/programs are accepted (though not required.) France would be a preferred place if available.

8. Admissions are still open for the term shown above.

Thank you! I hope I don’t sound too mean above. It’s just crunch time and I have almost no time left to apply to internships/programs. Please help me out and drop anything below you can think of!


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3 answers

2 years ago

I recommend the FIAF - French Institute Alliance Française. It offers french lessons from k-12 to adults. It have small group lessons as well as private lessons. The area it covers is, writing, listening, reading, culture, and more. It's also a non-profit which means they have much lower tuition than others. Since you have excluded many pre-college programs above, I recommend FIAF (I asked my french teacher) since it does offer virtual and in-person options at an acceptable price.

Even if you weren't looking for this type of lessons, I strongly suggest you share it with your friends/families/classmates and check it out. FiAF Link: https://fiaf.org/

I hope the information helps :)

2 years ago

Hi there,

I'm a new adviser on CollegeVine (look me up as Carly Tribull on the 1:1 Advising page), so feel free to reach out privately if you have more questions.

When I was...oh, in tenth grade, I attended this Program at Duke University: https://learnmore.duke.edu/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do?method=load&courseId=16529&utm_source=teenlife

My guess is that general applications have closed, but last minute drop-outs ALWAYS happen. I'd recommend 'request information' of giving them a call to figure out if anyone has dropped out from one of the sessions post-June 13th. It was an excellent writing-intensive program and had some great social activities built in.

2 years ago

Since this question requested an expert response, I just wanted to add that I agree with Dr. Carly Tribull's advice. I have not been able to find any other programs that meet your guidelines, but if I may suggest one more CollegeVine blog post, it would be this one about self-driven activities. Self-driven activities are a great way to boost your extracurricular achievement if you're unable to find official programs. Hope this helps!

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