2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Advice/suggestions on extracurriculars?

Please help me. I'm a secondary student studying in Brazil. Even though college is still far away, I wanted to attend a competitive university in the U.S (probably an Ivy). My grades are not an issue, however, I wanted advice on extracurricular activities.

I currently do tennis and have a small non-profit to give boos to children in public schools. My school doesn't offer anything special, so I was thinking of opening my own club for STEM.

How do you think I could take my extracurriculars to the next level? Do have any suggestions on what I should sign up for (extracurricular/awards/ summer camp suggestions)?

Thank you!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think it is a great idea to start a robotics or other stem club, In my school, we have a lot of community service projects which originate with robotics or girls who code club, and all these clubs have resources available for starting new clubs. Also robotics teams I know have state level competitions, which would be totally attainable to achieve esp. for a 7th grader - Hope this helps!

2 years ago

You should be absolutely capable of making your own extracurriculars. It's a great idea to make a club and work on something you're passionate about with others who are passionate about that same thing. Also that might look good to colleges to see you didn't have options so you took a leadership role and made some stuff for yourself and others.

I would also suggest looking into non school affiliated groups you could join if you want to go that route. Maybe something online? I know a site called Outschool where they have a lot of online classes about drawing, playing instruments, etc that you could probably find something on.

Also I would look into National Merit Scholarship. I don't know if they operate in Brazil, but it would look good to have a Finalist standing in that.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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