2 years ago
Admissions Advice

extracurriculars and community colleges for political science

currently, in my junior year with a 2.07 GPA, I plan to apply to community college to fix that. what I am currently looking for help with is finding extracurriculars that I can join this coming summer to reflect on my interest in political science and public policy. Is there any recommendation for what sorts of activities I can join that will help me stand out in admissions for a political science major, and is there any recommendations I can get for colleges that will help me raise my GPA and are a good choice for a future political science major?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

That is great that you are working hard to reach your goal, for activities I would say volunteer work at your school this summer or you can check in with your guidance counselor about summer debating clubs, and since you are a junior you still have time to take some AP classes next year or work hard by the end of this month to pass your exams and get a good grade so you can get honors classes next year, colleges want to see that you have a life outside of school but they also want to see that you are able to be academically challenged, as a junior myself I would like to say keep looking at the life you would want for yourself.

2 years ago

This CollegeVine blog post has some suggestions for activities related to political science. As for community colleges, I recommend going to one that is both low-cost and is in an area that has political jobs and internships. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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