If I few months, I will complete RCM level 10. Should I continue and do ARCT? Piano is basically my only extracurricular. I enjoy playing the piano sometimes, but I don't enjoy investing hours a day. Will it look bad on my transcript if I stop at level 10 and have 2 years of no music? Would it even make a difference? Anyone also have similar experiences?
Again, I sincerely apologize for my assumptions. I hope my impolite questions do not ruin your mood. I'm sorry once more.
You should probably continue doing piano seeing as it's your only extracurricular. But if you have no passion for it and make up your mind on quitting, be sure to replace it with multiple other extracurriculars to make up for it. I don't think it would reflect poorly on you seeing that you completed RCM. Consider it carefully, and don't let anyone shame you into a decision. Best of luck :)
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What? I'm not trolling.