My dream school is USC but I hear it's very hard to get into. My career goal is Game Design, but if I don't get into USC what other schools have great programs in this field?
I would research these following schools for game design since they all have amazing reputations for CS, AI and other interactive programming majors.
-CMU Carnegie Mellon University
-MIT Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
-NYU New York University
-University of Utah
-RIT Rochester Institute of Technology
-RPI Rochester Polytechnic University
-Georgia Tech
-Cornell University
-UC Santa Cruz
-DIGIPEN Institute of Technology (Washington)
-NorthEastern Boston
-Columbia College Chicago
-UCLA (Game LAB)
Hey! I found this list of the best game design programs.
Behind USC, it looks like NYU, Clark University, and RIT have excellent game design programs. Hope this helps!
This blog post lists all the schools in the US with Game Design major offerings. You can plug any of these schools into CollegeVine's chancing engine to approximate your odds of admission. Hope this helps!
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