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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What to do for Brown's PLME course?

Hi again. Getting into Brown university's PLME course has been my dream for quite some time now, however I'm not sure if I would be a competitive applicant as an International student. My high school does not offer any AP or honors classes. I'm a science student; meaning my mandatory classes are Core Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies and English Language. However my chosen electives are Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Further Mathematics. Due to the workload of science students in my country, all the teachers don't recommend having more than one Ec( debate club for me). There are also ZERO shadowing opportunities not only due to Covid, but there's a policy concerning that. The only way to gain a shadowing opportunity is when you know the person an a personal basis... which is unfortunate for me. So I was wondering if I do well in my subjects, will I still be a competitive applicant as an International student?

P.s. I'm open to universities offering bs/md for international students for my college list.

P.p.s. I still have two more years ahead of me to complete high school.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Aileen3 years ago

P.p.p.s I'm also taking a course in French and Communication studies for two years.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

You can still be a competitive applicant. Firstly, you can have comfort in knowing that colleges take individual context into account when they evaluate applications - admissions officers will be familiar with the educational system in your country and they will receive a school report explaining your school's offerings. If you can explain your circumstances further in the Additional Info section of your applications, that will also help them understand things like how COVID has limited your opportunities.

Another thing that can increase your odds of admission is doing extracurriculars at home. This blog post has some ideas for inspiration. Hope this helps!

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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