My GPA is 3.88 from my 2 years in high school. My projected GPA for my junior year is 3.76. I have taken 8 honors classes and am projected to take 7-8 AP classes. I don't really have any EC besides sports and joining some clubs. Haven't really taken my SAT and am scared if I do badly. I'm worried that I don't really have enough to get into the school I want.
i ran out of character space whoops! as i said, you're doing great and i believe you will continue to do great things and perform well in school. there really isnt a formula on how to get into college, theres a point when it becomes luck. continue building a strong resume to ensure your application has a strong foundation!
NorthEastern is a tricky proposition because who knows what's going to happen next admission cycle. This year their overall admit rate was 6.79%. Just 5 cycles ago it was 27.44% or 4 times greater. Did the quality of education or prestige factor do a 360 degree turnaround in 5 years? Doubtful. Nor can I explain why the number of applications went from 54209 to nearly 91000 in the same period. I know they don't have supplemental essays but to me, that's not a reason to choose NE or other Boston schools that many people think are better, like Tufts, BU and BC and if you're female, Wellesley.
I do think you should take the SAT or ACT because forensic data shows that most people that submit test scores actually benefit from them. Otherwise the admit % of those not submitting would equal the # applicants % who are not submitting. But more often than not more admits have submitted test scores as a % than applicants. If you don't take either SAT/ACT, then you will never know what your score might have been. And if you get rejected and don't submit a test score, you will not know whether the lack of supporting test score contributed to an overall weaker application rating.
I don't have any conclusive advise about NorthWestern because the ED and EA rates have been dropping and I don't know how low they will go moving forward. I would pick 3 or 4 similar schools and figure out which one is the strongest for your specific narrative which includes your grades, course rigor and ECs. I think you already know that you are not a compelling applicant for NorthEastern right now and that's why you are asking this question.
Fill out the CollegeVine profile and run it through NorthEastern University to see your current chances.. If you are under 25%, then you are not that strong for ED or EA.
Good Luck.
An unweighted GPA above 3.7 is going to be competitive enough to gain acceptance to Northeastern and even more selective schools. Since your weighted GPA is also solid because of your AP course load, what will increase your chances of getting into Northeastern the most will be building up your EC list and writing exceptional essays. I recommend focusing on these things first and then taking the SAT if you have time left over. Hope this helps!
honestly you just need to keep what you do balanced & diverse! whether that be doing performing arts, sports, clubs, well academically etc, if you have lots of things on your plate, it's impressive, but, to really et the mark, you can do extra things like internships, camps, college courses, summer school classes etc! also, your college essay is also what helps decide, as long as you're well rounded and doing your best (which you seem like you are) you're on a good track to getting accepted into college(s).
hello! i would maybe recommend taking SAT. Most schools these days are test optional - if you do good, then send them on in! If you don't score as highly as you like, maybe prep some more and retake, or just don't send them in! For EC - possibly find something to do with your summer! get a job, volunteer at your local food pantry (or wherever is taking volunteers), etc. good luck!
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hi! first things first, you could have a 4.00 unweighted, take every AP class offered at your school, do everything from soccer to community service, and still get rejected from top schools. i'm sure you've heard it before, maybe have even seen it if you know anybody that's been accepted into college. so far, you're doing great! the SAT comes with practice and lucky for you, you can take it several times (i would recommend college panda SAT math for practice in the math section!)