Hi I'm Tyler and I'm a junior in High School. I wanted to ask about my chances of getting into certain colleges. My wanted major is Marketing or some sort of business major with a concentration on Marketing
My colleges I'm shooting for are:
- Cal Poly SLO
- San Diego State
- University of Oregon
- Chapman
- UW
My Stats and ECs are
- 3.83 UW, 3.88 W
- 7 APs, 4 Honors
- Marching Band: Leadership role, Principle Player, Top 5 Marching Band in the WBA
- Jazz Band: 2nd Chair, Top Band
- Concert Band: Principle Player, Top Band
- Varsity Ice Hockey
I know there is a calculator but I just wanted to see if I could here more about chances for these schools and for me. Thanks so much for the help
Hello! first thing i want to say is that you already have fantastic stats and are looking pretty good. from what I can see, your GPA is in line for the schools you are aiming for for the most part. Over the summer, I would possibly recommend picking something up if you have the time. EX. volunteering, tutoring, get a mentorship/internship, shadow someone in preferred field, etc. Also, put a lot of time and effort into your essay! it can be highly weighted in the college decision process. And, if you like, possibly try taking ACT/SAT just to see how you score. If you score high, submit! If you don't score as high as you like, then don't submit. up to you! good luck!! :)
Without knowing more information about your admissions profile, I would say that all of the schools on your list will be safeties or at most high targets for you. Your odds of admission to the state schools will increase if you are applying as an in-state student. Hope this helps, and remember to use CollegeVine's chancing engine for the most accurate estimate of your admissions chances!
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