2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is AP Physics viewed better than AP Chem by AO's?

I am a sophomore interested in a political science degree. Right now I have taken Honors biology and honors chemistry. I was recommended for AP Chem by my teacher but I was wondering if I should take AP Physics instead. I already got my physical science credit in middle school through honors physical science if that matters. My course pathway goes AP Chem then AP Bio. would it be better to take AP Physics then AP Chem or AP Bio senior year, or do a different science class for each of the last two years? I've looked at my dream schools and they don't break down the required or recommended classes so I am wondering what I should do.

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2 years ago[edited]

From what I'm understanding, you're wondering which classes to take? I think you should take a different science class each year to make it easier for you, but if you'd prefer to take two in one year that is also fine. Even though some AP classes are harder than others, AP classes in general are good because it shows admission offices you're challenging yourself with college-level classes.

If you're asking what science classes you need for your dream school, many colleges require at least 3 years of science (4 recommended), so just to be safe I would take a different science class each year.

I'd say, pick whichever you feel more comfortable/interested in! Good luck.


2 years ago

I would aim for diversity in education, in this case. The order you take these APs in does not matter as much as the fact that you take them and take a different one every year/semester. Get as many of these knocked out as you can so you do not have to potentially take them in a more challenging college environment to fulfill a liberal education requirement or something similar. There is a slight strategic advantage, however, in taking the AP that is more difficult for you during your senior year, since you submit most college apps in Dec/Jan, halfway through that year. Theoretically, you need to maintain good grades to be competitive for the best colleges for the entirety of your senior year since many require a end-of-year transcript, but practically, once you get those apps submitted, it is a huge weight off of your shoulders, so it gets much easier to focus on whatever class you are taking then and do well in it. So, I would take the harder AP senior year, but it is different for everyone. Like @lilypad said, do what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Junior year is super fun because this is the year to really buff up your resume with some fun extracurriculars that you are passionate about, so make sure you don’t have any regrets and enjoy the year!


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