2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What's the best way to start your college essay?

I started writing my college essay and I'm stuck. My topic is my stereoblindness and how I've adapted to life because of it. I'm really really stuck because I feel like I'm being redundant in my introduction. I don't know where to go from here. Here it is:

I step on the field, eye black smeared in my face, sweat dripping from my eyebrows, dirt clouding in my face. My coach tells me, “C’mon Gillian, hit the ball, you got this.” You’d think that a field full of 9 and 10-year-olds wasn’t going to be intimidating. Well, it was. I stepped into the batter’s box, eyeing the pitcher. The umpire puts his mask on and screams, “Play ball!”

The pitcher winds up, I see the ball, but I stand still. No movement. I’m frightened. “Gillian! Swing!” She winds up again, I swing, waiting to hear the ping of my aluminum bat. There was no noise. Strike two. C’mon Gillian. Keep your eye on the ball, I think to myself. The big, yellow ball whizzes by me; strike three. My mom knew something was wrong with my vision, even though I had glasses. So, we took a trip to the eye doctor.

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1 answer

2 years ago[edited]

The best way is to start with a hook or a quote, but it depends on the demanded parameters if they allow such a beginning. I used phrases from famous people for my texts and was getting first place at every school writing contest. The skills I have are due to the experts from https://edubirdie.com/essay-writers-for-hire because this source taught via the homework help provided how to start and create the best paper. Moreover, it supplies essay writers for hire. Therefore, you can access their services and achieve academic success and reliable knowledge like me.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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