Hello. Incoming sophomore here! Are my summer plans enough to attend a nice college? If not, what else should I do?
- Test Prep (Sundays) | SAT & PSAT
- Tennis Practice (Mon & Wed)
- Museum Volunteering (June 6 - 10), (July 4 - 8)
- Communications Applications Course (June 13 - July 1) | Required elective credit
- Model & Dancer @ ORA USA | A Nigerian cultural organization
- Girls Who Code Virtual Camp (July 11 - July 22)
- Kode with Klossy Virtual Camp (July 25 - Aug 5)
- Organizing our nonprofit on teaching kids computer science
- Doing my summer reading
- Studying coding, Algebra II, Precalc, Bio, & Chem | For USACO, USABO, USNCO
- Having fun with my friends + Meeting new people
- Getting braces :(
Wow! You sure will have a busy summer. This seems like a very comprehensive list of summer activities, and as long as they are benefitting you either as a person (which you can possibly discuss in future college essays) or as a student (do they relate to your future major? help you later in school?) or both, then this should be a rewarding, well-spent summer. Remember to take time to relax, too, but overall, you should be on track for a college like Northeastern. If you wanted to further refine your activities, find some that fit your future career which will help you seem focused to admission officers, or try to secure an internship next summer. Best of luck!
This is 100% enough. I know so many people who do so much less during their summer and have gotten into extremely good schools. I love that you are involved in so much but make sure you have time to have fun and relax! That’s what summer is for!! With all of these things you have going on, you’re sure to have plenty of things lined up for your applications. Good luck and have some fun this summer too!!
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Thank you! A lot of the activities take place during the week, so I'll hopefully have time to relax on the weekends. This summer, my plan is to focus on starting/refining skills such as tennis, coding, volunteering, etc. During this year, I plan on maybe shadowing and researching on the weekends. I also plan on doing some competitions too! Next summer, I want to focus on career interests like doing medical/research programs and getting a job.