2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does Chorus Class count as an extracurricular?

I'm in the Chorus Class at my school. There are three levels (you have to audition) and for my senior year, I will be in the Advanced Honors Class. In addition to daily classes and pass-offs, we have concerts and do LGPE (Large Group Performance Evaluation) and last year, both classes got a Superior, which is the highest rating. Also, I am a frequent soloist. Because there are some after-school things, can I count this as an extracurricular?

@Maddie29132 years ago

I'm also a part of choir at my HS i have it listed as an ec and i think it counts as long as there are outside of school hours performances.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Yes, chorus class counts as an extracurricular in the category of Music. Here are the ranks from the CollegeVine simulator,

Tier 2c: Very strong

I did the equivalent of ANY of the following:

I am the principal player/section leader for the highest school/non-school musical group in my school/town

Since you are a frequent soloist in the highest group at your school, you definitely should put this on your resume. I hope this information helps.

2 years ago

I think you can. You do it outside of your regular class time and it's an at school thing. One may argue that the after school things are part of class though. Maybe if the afterschool things have a title they would be more likely to count. I do Jazz Band and Marching Band. I'm unsure if "Band" counts as extracurricular, but people stay after and practice so I'd try it if you exert a significant amount of time outside of school hours.

2 years ago

Chorus definitely counts as an extracurricular. I believe that an extracurricular is defined as any activity that takes place outside or partially outside of school hours. Since you have concerts and your LGPE, that means that it would qualify as an extracurricular. I would count this as an extracurricular.

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