2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What were your regrets when SAT/ACT season rolled around?


I just got my results from my PSAT again (I took it twice this year, I'm a sophomore) and my score stayed exactly the same (this time around I got 30 points higher in English, 30 points less in math). I'm planning on studying a lot over the summer, but were there any pearls of wisdom or regrets any of you had when studying for SAT/ACT? If you have anything you think might be useful, I'll welcome it!



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3 answers

2 years ago

I'm saying this as someone that got a 36 on their ACT- take tons of practice tests! I think that was the singularly most helpful thing I did for myself. There are practice tests available through school, in official ACT books, and online. Make sure you mark what you did wrong every time and don't make the excuse of a "stupid mistake". Generally, there's a reason why every question is missed, whether that be rushing or second-guessing. Also, make sure to take practice tests in timed situations every time so you get used to pacing. Good luck on your tests!!

2 years ago

One thing that I would recommend is to take it multiple times. I am able to send a superscore of 1520 to universities because I got an 800 math the first time, so I was then able to focus a bit more on English (while still making sure math was good) and eventually got a 720 on that section, so if you have the time, I thought taking the SAT multiple times was really beneficial for me.

2 years ago

hello! this situation is definitely different for everyone but here's mine: (i did ACT for reference but this can apply to both tests). When I took the preACT, I scored very low on math. As a result, I got a tutor and spend hours studying ACT math - which was great. In the end, my math score went up about 7 points. However, my other subjects struggled. So my advice, when you get your scores back, yes, try to improve your lowest, but study all around. Also, if you have the time, just take some extra practice tests. this gets you more comfortable with the timing, structure, etc. of the tests. i wish you the best of luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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