I am horrible at math. It seems to be some undiagnosed version of number dyslexia, I understand trig and geo though but algebra 2 is my weakness I've already gotten 2/4 C's in that class. I do have a 3.78 unweighted GPA though which is well mixed in with my 4.0 from 10th grade and my 3.8 from freshman year I should be okay. I am very strong when it comes to reading and science mainly biology and I have only had straight A's in those classes so honestly, it is really just math. I want to go to NYU its a target 70% chance so there's a good chance I'll get in because despite being bad at math there are other things academically that make up for it. As of right now, I'm more worried about the SAT but I can always super score and self-report. So I intend on taking the test with a high focus on reading and then taking it another time aiming to do my best in math. Is there a way to "explain" my lacking math and physics grades during the application process?
From your explanation of "number dyslexia", you may have a condition called dyscalculia. If diagnosed, this would for certain explain your trouble with numbers to college admission officers. Otherwise, you could talk about it in your essays as something you had to overcome. Hope this helps. If all else fails, many schools allow you to attach clarifying notes to different things you submit to admissions. You could always put something in one of those. Good luck!
Hey! I just want to let you know that you’re not the only one in this boat of being bad at math— I’m the exact same way. I just can’t understand math, especially algebra. I’m actually shocked about how similar we are! The only kind of math I’m good at is geometry, and my best subjects are english and science.
But, I’m here to tell you that it isn’t the end of the world. This year, I was set up to take precalculus, but dropped one week into the year because I just couldn’t do it. I took a half year statistics course instead. I’d recommend statistics to you, it ties into some science elements, like analyzing data.
Also, don’t take the SAT. Take the ACT. I’ve taken both, and for someone who doesn’t like math/isn’t good at it, the ACT will help you. 50% of the SAT score is math, while only 25% of the ACT score is math. You and I are both good at science and reading, which makes up 75% of the ACT. Take the ACT, at least try it once. I also find the questions to be more straightforward!
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this journey against math and all things related to it, it’s that you have to work smart. Everyone always tells you math is something you just HAVE to do, but don’t push yourself to keep doing something that makes you unhappy and that you genuinely cannot understand. Go a route you are comfortable and confident with. But take risks too. I was so scared to take up statistics, but I’m really glad I did.
As for applications, you can write your essay about your struggle with math. You can talk about why this pushed you to do other things or work harder, or how it challenged you. Make it about you though, not the math.
I wish you the best of luck in this journey! Us non-mathematical-geniuses need to stick together :)
Hi! You're talking about dyscalculia!
If you want to explain to potential schools your situation, you could get diagnosed (the school will likely want verification and adjust as necessary) or talk about it with the admission counselor at the college! However, you have a strong GPA and if you get a strong SAT it probably won't be an issue. You don't necessarily have to explain why your math grades are lower than your other subjects.
I would personally recommend you eventually get diagnosed if you have the resources available since you'll probably be able to get accommodations.
I have the same problem and my doctor has written me about what to do; if you want, I can send you and cope with this "math problem" together. I use Plainmath to deal with abstract algebra questions, solved and explained. https://plainmath.net/post-secondary/algebra/abstract-algebra is my best option to understand and learn daily algebra themes. Moreover, it fixed my academic math success, therefore, it is an effective solution.
You would need a formal diagnosis most likely for it to "matter."
Can your family afford the 80k a year if you dont get financial aid?
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