2 years ago
Admissions Advice

I wonder if these extracurriculars are good enough for top 50 colleges?

I'm a rising senior and is worried by the fact, most of these activities are done either this summer or in the fall. Half of these extracurriculars are projected for when I submit applications by Dec-Jan 1.

My college major considerations: Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Industrial Design.

National Honors Society (member)-2 years

FBLA(Member)-1 year: this is something I regret not doing earlier

Math Honor Society (Possible officer?)-1 year

Science Honor Society (Possible officer?)-1 year

Community Service-30 hours

Work-3 and a half years (3 years as manager)

Computer programming-100+ hours (Java, Python, and JavaScript)

Badminton-Hobby (casual/2-3 times a week)

Tiktok (Test tips and class concepts)-daily posts for total 4 months

High School Young Scholars Summer Internship/Program (18-24 hours total)


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

All of what you do is amazing!

I would pay more attention to the unique/specific attributions you have done to improve other peoples' experiences in the clubs you listed. Yes, being an officer is good (as I am an officer in many clubs at my school), but the top 50 colleges are looking at SPECIFIC quantities of hours, money raised, people added to the club, initiatives/projects ideas you started (and the stats of that project); etc.

For your job, you can state how you learned how to deal with finances, customer service; etc.

For TikTok, you can state that you helped raise awareness to (however many people viewed your TikToks) about test-taking tips and your opinion on different courses, ultimately helping other students decide what to do in exams or what classes to take to better shape their own high school experiences.

2 years ago

I think that these extracurriculars are good enough, though it depends on the specifics of your 100+ hours of programming. You will ideally want to have completed projects that have a community impact or do something novel in the coding space.

For the most accurate gauge of where your extracurriculars stand, I recommend plugging them into the Chancing Engine in your CollegeVine account. The engine will then approximate your odds of admission to any school on your list. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

I believe that this is more than enough, because everything depends on how you present yourself. I know people who had many additional educational programs, took various courses in programming and design, but they were not taken because of some nonsense. In order to perform programming tasks on time, you can use such a service https://www.programmingassignment.net/php-assignment-help/ With a good example, you can quickly develop and learn programming.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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