2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurriculars and Scholarship Ideas for the summer

Hello, I am a non-citizen rising senior residing in the U.S for the past 2 years. I came after completing my freshman year in India, just as COVID struck, and did my entire sophomore year online. Due to the pandemic, I did not know that I had to build on my extracurriculars then since no one was there to guide me into the new education system, so I used my junior year to explore and participate in some activities. Below is what I have done during junior year and planning on doing next year-

- Member of the Science NHS, for which I own a leadership position senior year.

- Member of the NHS from senior year.

- Mu Alpha Theta member.

- NJROTC and am a part of all the teams we have (drill team, colour guard, PT team, and academic team). I have also won an award, a certificate, and 5 ribbons.

- I am planning on making videos to help students learn algebra, geometry, and precalculus (if I get that far) this summer since I am strong at math and/or I may also make math videos on a tutoring platform as a substitute tutor.

If anyone can advise how I can improve my extracurriculars and also suggest any scholarships/summer programs I can enrol in if I am interested in pursuing applied mathematics in astronomy in a prestigious school.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hello, Ananya,

doing extracurriculars was one of the more rewarding experiences that I had in high school!

And what made me proud of mine wasn't the status I assumed from them, but the community service I performed.

For me, junior year in high school saw me begin a recycling effort, where I and other students collected recyclable bottles & paper from the school every week.

It felt entrepreneurial, and inspired some friendships with people to this day, my end-of-year college sophomore days.

And as a college student, I have still been a community volunteer, this time in food distribution via local food pantry charities.

So if I can share advice from my own life thus far, Ananya, it's to volunteer your time for the community as part of your extracurriculars.

I don't know how it affected my acceptance into college, but the experience of community service alone was worth all the time it took.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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