2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extra math for economics @ dartmouth (edx classes in advanced calc, stats)


I was thinking about taking a few edx math classes, and I was wondering if this is the right move. More about my situation is below.

I am in the second highest math level at my high school, and my progression is as follows: algebra 2/trig honors -> ibmath sl1 -> ib math sl2/ap calc ab + AP stat -> ap calc bc. Multivariable/linear algebra and ib math hl are also offered at my school, but I am unable to take them at my school because I am not allowed to go from calc ab to multivariable calc.

I was worried that not taking math hl or multivariable would hurt my chances for economics at Dartmouth, Princeton, Duke, UVA, etc., so I am looking at some online math classes in the areas I am unable to take during hs.

Statistics and R (probably got a 4 or 5 on the ap stats exam, just for fun and looking for more ways to apply statistics)

Multivariable Calculus 1: Vectors and Derivatives (I would be taking this class at the same time as calc bc over the school year)

Linear Algebra I: Linear Equations (unsure what types of math I will need for this)

Would getting a more advanced background in math help my chances at economics and Dartmouth and other ivies?


[🎤 AUTHOR]@dev82 years ago

Another thing- I received an 800 on the SAT math section, and I was wondering if that could make up for being in bc calc senior year instead of ib math hl2 or multivariable calc/linear algebra

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Regardless of where you apply for Economics or Business (UChicago, Wharton, Columbia), you are not going to use any of that high level math for a while, perhaps year 3 or 4. And that's the honest truth.

If you apply to Wharton, for example unless your are taking an advanced finance class where you are studying multi-factor options pricing models or risk management theory of multi-asset class portfolios, calculus doesn't even factor into your first couple years of course study. And if you are marketing, or data analytics or lighter majors, there is practically no higher math whatsoever.

If you are applying to top schools like UChicago or Columbia, they both have rigorous mostly humanities based core curriculum so the majority of your 1st year and possibly some of your 2nd will be focused on getting through the core. If you haven't taken AP Calc A/B, or can't place out of calculus, you may in fact have to take College Calculus again. But most people who have received and A or a 5 in AP Calc, place out of it. Again, if you decide to declare economics as your major during Sophomore year, you will be given a strict set of Econ courses and prerequisites to fulfill to complete the major's requirements. I'm on the fence whether post-Calc B/C math courses matter much in HS, unless you plan on retaining everything until a specific course might require to recall a Chapter or two.

While course rigor is definitely important when applying to Ivys/Elites, I think having amazing ECs, Essays and Test Scores are more important than that additional math class.

You can test my bias or not by adding more Tier 1 ECs or higher SAT/ACT test scores to your chancing profile and see if it improves your % probabilities of getting into theses schools. There is no Essay input, but lets just say that having a killer main essay and equally killer supplemental essays are more impressive than 1 or 2 or more math classes.

Good luck.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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