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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take AP Bio?

I am a freshman this year. At my school, we have the chance to take AP Biology, but only during our sophomore year. This particular course is notorious at my school for being one of the hardest you can take.I would like to take the course, but I am afraid I will get a bad grade and hurt my GPA. Currently, I am ranked #1 in my class and have a 4.0 GPA. I took a short intro to biology about two years ago. Will I have the skills necessary to excel in an AP Biology class?

Thank you!

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

AP Bio has a lot of memorization so be prepared for that. When deciding whether to take the course, consider its impact on your high school and college career. Is the material relevant to your future goals? Is the content worth risking your rank? Will your rank right now be the same in your senior year? Keep in mind many colleges take into account the rigor of the course, not just the grades at face value. If you do decide to take the course, be sure to take thorough notes; there are valuable resources on Khan Academy for free. Good luck!

3 years ago

If you find yourself mentally prepared to take the course, I would recommend it. I also plan on taking AP Bio next school year. I chose to take the class because I enjoyed my time in the intro to biology class I also took 2 years ago. If you believe you can take out the time to study and prepare for a grueling AP course, then by all means take this class. Just be sure you put in the time required in studying and preparing to meet the expectations of AP Bio, then you can ensure your GPA and class rank do not get negatively affected.

3 years ago

I think you should definitely try to take the course if you have an interest in biology, general STEM, or pre-med, but try to take other APs if you're not going down those paths. From the perspective of my high schooler self, many of my friends, especially those who want to become doctors are taking AP Bio. While they say the memorization can be difficult at times, there are very minimal calculations and they say it's not too hard of a course. (Generally, in these AP Sciences, the AP test is much harder than the coursework which is beneficial to your GPA.) At the end of the day, if you have an interest in the course, go for it. What's the worst that could happen? As long as you approach it with the right mindset and attitude, you'll be fine. And, because you're #1 in your class, I would assume you're quite intelligent as well, so you'll learn.

3 years ago

What I have found is that anything is possible. The catch is, you have to be willing to put your head down and work for it. Is AP Biology something you are interested in? Are you looking at potential Biology-related or STEM related majors once you get to college? I think that if AP Bio is something that interests you and is applicable to you, then you should go for it because you will end up enjoying parts of it. It is worth noting that colleges really don't like the 4.0 GPA students who took no challenging courses. It is important that along with a strong GPA you also have the course rigor to show for it. If I were you, I would dip my toes in with an AP class or two in your sophomore year to see how you like it. If it turns out you excel in the rigor of AP classes, then continue to take them. AP Bio is a great way to get started with the AP courses because there is a lot of support online as well. Finally, to be successful in AP courses, you mustn't focus on your GPA. I've found that I really began to learn when my focus shifted away from my grade and shifted towards my learning and comprehension. If you focus on those instead of a grade, you'll have far more success in APs. In conclusion, look at your priorities. If you want a rigorous course load to appeal to the top universities then I would recommend you take the courses, especially if they align with your interests and future plans. If not, then don't fret. You will find other opportunities to prove your excellence to colleges.

3 years ago

its not hard dw

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